15 November 2022
Doors 19:00 | stage 19:45 (this is an unreserved seated event)

Curated by Martha D Lewis for Jazz Plus Sessions in association with Theatro Technis @ 26 Crowndale
An impressive double-bill of award winning Artists renowned for their original music without borders.
Julie Sassoon is a first-class player transcending classical piano and jazz, in the league of Jarrett or Pieranunzi. Now based in Berlin, catch this rare London solo performance.
Sassoon treads her own path of lyrical, rhythmic, dramatic and packed with emotion. Her last solo concert at the EFG London Jazz Festival was listed in The Guardian amongst the ‘Top Ten Highlights’.
“... An unclassifiable venture... Julie consistently makes the piano, her voice and her deepest emotions sound awesomely and naturally inseparable.”
- John Fordham
"An album which can be counted as one of 2021's top solo piano outings..."
- All About Jazz
Sassoon has always possessed an uncanny instinct for sidestepping mimicry or cliché…
"...in the gliding, airborne Murmuration' she was flying free... seamlessly evolving through startling harmonic modulations, alternations of staccato and sonorously rolling passages, dreamy reveries quietly punctuated by gleaming treble notes and deep chords, before a Jarrett-like rocking groove takes it out..."
- John Fordham
"'At the Water Tower' is an emotive, forward tumbling elegy of darkness and light. Sledgehammer and flower. While it swirls around you its center stays calm, and from that vantage both pianist and listener watch the world move..."
Mike Jurkovic - All About Jazz
Visit Julie Sassoon's website here.
The Casimir Connection – a quartet led by its acclaimed composer saxophonist Diane McLoughlin – seamlessly cuts across classical, folk and jazz music. Expect memorable compositional themes and exciting improvisation.
Previewing a forthcoming album, Diane McLoughlin plays alongside Kit Massey on violin, Tim Fairhall on bass and pianist Alcyona Mick. Quiet and brooding, serene and uplifting, with influences from Keith
Jarrett to Poulenc and Bartok. The Casimir Connection is an exquisite jazz chamber group for the modern era.
Reviews for album ’Cause and Effect’
“A stunning album that deserves to be widely heard, and lauded, not just for the outstanding playing of all concerned, but also the outstanding compositions by Diane McLoughlin that mark this album out as something very special indeed.”
- Jazz Views
"Tender, inventive and well worth a listen”
- Jazzwise
Visit The Casimir Connection's website here.

The EFG London Jazz Festival is the capital's biggest pan-city music festival, taking place annually in November, which has long been acclaimed for showcasing a heady mix of talent from around the world.
Widely acknowledged for delivering world-class artists and emerging stars, the Festival continues to take jazz to a massive audience, in one of UK's landmark music events.
The festival was created in 1992 by live international music producers, Serious. The festival emerged from the long-standing Camden Jazz Week which was created in 1970; with the active support of the London Arts Board (now Arts Council England, London). Serious - who had for some years produced the Camden Jazz Week - engineered a transition that saw the evolution of the festival. Taking a mix of international and British artists and a commitment to education activity, the London Jazz Festival began to spread its wings.
The aims of the festival still remain the same today; celebrating the place of jazz in a city which is at ease with its rich cultural diversity, and drawing in a multitude of venues across London who present the music, week in, week out, throughout the year.
Estimated running time
Performance times
Doors 19:00 | stage 19:45 (this is an unreserved seated event)
Ticket prices
£16, £13
Full-time students, those aged under 16, senior citizens, the unwaged, members of Equity and BECTU
Theatro Technis is fully wheelchair accessible. Guide dogs and hearing dogs are welcome in the auditorium. There is a Loop system fitted in the main auditorium. If you have any questions or specific requests, please email boxoffice@theatrotechnis.com.
Features acoustic jazz music.

https://efglondonjazzfestival.org.uk/ #WEAREJAZZ