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George Eugeniou
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The iconic award-winning British Cypriot musical duo preview their 2023 Edinburgh show
Martha and Eve, presented with Theatro Technis
Interactive dance theatre performance with inclusive solidarity circle for women
Natalia Meksa and Angela Poulima, part of Camden Fringe Festival 2023
Absurd comedy performance that celebrates queer Jewish identity, food filled rituals and nightlife
Shabbat and Shalom, part of Camden Fringe Festival 2023
A new play about the experience of coming out as lesbian with the help of your dog.
By Hosanna Johnson, part of Camden Fringe Festival 2023
Pre-show panel event to explore deeper into ideas of fathers and fatherhood
Mo Korede, part of Camden Fringe Festival 2023
Original new musical by Mountview graduates, exploring how grief is dealt with in different ways
Rebecca Demmer and Tim Jasper, part of Camden Fringe Festival 2023
Join us to celebrate the start of Camden Fringe, with networking, music and a bar
Theatro Technis, part of Camden Fringe Festival 2023
Jade and Carly help one another to learn about their inner truths and find a deep and meaningful connection.
Carly Durrer & Jade Harris-Tyler, part of Camden Fringe Festival 2023
A devised multi-media, experimental movement piece about the choreographed chaos of life
Miel Celeste, part of Camden Fringe Festival 2023
A journey of catharsis and community-healing which unpacks the consequences of absent-present F/fathers
An audacious hell’s-eye view of the Passion of Christ
Justin Butcher, Passion Pit Theatre, part of Camden Fringe Festival 2023
A piece of devised theatre that tackles the complexities of queer female attraction
23andCounting & Low Door Productions, part of Camden Fringe Festival 2023