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Kyriacos And Company

An independent production company working in the live and recorded arts.

Kyriacos And Company

Kyriacos and Company is a new independent Production Company working in the recorded and live Arts, in the UK and internationally. Its vision is to develop new stories by new and established talent and to offer broadcaster and producers new and alternative stories.

Kyriacos and Company is headed by Kerry Kyriacos Michael. A Director, Producer and up until September 2017, Artistic Director of Theatre Royal Stratford East for the last 13 years. With Kerry's extensive experience in developing and commissioning diverse talent in the UK, KYRIACOS AND COMPANY will specialize in developing ideas across all spaces that have diverse stories and talent at their core.

As a new kid on the block, it hopes to bring fresh ideas and new connections to the world of Broadcasting. KYRIACOS AND COMPANY have little ambition to work in isolation. When it comes to the delivery of the programmes, they will work in partnership, co-producing with independents and broadcasters who have the best track record within specific genres.

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